When considering who could be the voice of The Lessons Behind The Lectures podcast I wanted someone who would and could identify with the shows target audience. In addition to that I wanted someone who could be warm with the audience, in a sense make them their friend, also a must was that they must be able to improvise and have a natural conversation with both the audience and the interviewee.
Bearing in mind all of these considerations I determined that myself or that someone close to my age couldn’t host the show because I personally felt like there would be too much of an disconnect of age between the presenter and the listeners. Also I believed having years of experience would be beneficial to coming up with questions on the spot and controlling the course of the interview.
Through several chats with my personal tutor Dylan Roys we determined that the radio lecturer Dave Bussey would be the perfect voice to have lead the show. With 30 plus years of radio experience Dave seemed to have the perfect combination of calmness, authority and as Terry Wogan said Dave is able to ” to create this little club,”.
Through several email exchanges and a couple of meeting in person I was able to get Dave confirmed for the project and we worked together in creating the tone and style of the interview.
Recent example of Dave’s work: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02czjdb
Source of Quote: http://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/tvandradioblog/2012/jan/03/what-makes-good-radio-presenter