Distribution is a vital part of the podcast process for one may be able to make the best most well produced podcast ever but if it is not promoted or distributed properly nobody will hear your articles.
The first step distributing is having a base to host all of the episodes and content from the show, for all of The Lessons Behind The Lectures fan to access and download the episode. I would use a WordPress blog site as my primary home page, the reason for this is because it is free, easy to use and to create a good looking, professional site. Also WordPress is the official social media site for the University of Lincoln so it would remain consistent with the University’s image as well.
WordPress also allows for a custom RSS feed to be created which is essential to podcasting for it is what allows for episodes to be downloaded and streamed from. What is an RSS: “RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it.” (Taken from: http://www.whatisrss.com/) This allows for the shows to be hosted and downloaded from places like iTunes (which is the biggest online distributer of podcasts), Blbrry, etc.
Another way I would gain listerners would be by having a big socail media presecnce for the show. This would include having a Facebook account, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest and Youtube. All of these would be designed to promote the show to new and old listeners alike by allowing people to interact and feel apart of the community. With these different platforms different approaches would have to be used for all of them for instances Twitter would be used for simple messages and updates will Tumble could be used for more of visual based promotion.
Finally the show could be promoted and distributed by the University itself via their social media outlets and communications. This would be a beneficial and symbiotic relationship where both parties would gain something from it. The show would get publicity and legitimacy by being featured by the actual university while the University of Lincoln gets promotion since it is their staff that are being featured in a favorable manner to a potentially large audience and new applicants.