Why Podcasting?

There are several reasons for why I choose to do The Lessons Behind The Lectures as a podcasts. The first reason is that I have previously created podcasts from scratch and also have listened to them for nearly 10 years or so now. This I believe makes me comfortable with my knowledge of the podcast landscape and production needed to make a professional show, and its this knowledge I will pass on to making my show sound,look and be distributed to exactly where it should be.

The second reason I wanted to utilize the podcast form for this show is because I personally felt my vision of it would not work on radio. This is because I felt that if the show was broadcast on Siren Fm or Brayford Fm the flow of the discussion would potentially be disrupted another factor is that I felt that the audience or demographic for these two show’s wouldn’t quite fit with what I was trying to achieve. Another reason for my preference of this medium is that the show is a long form conversation piece that highlights the life and career of an esteemed guest and so podcasts with its lack of formatting restrictions would allow a show like mine to flourish more than if it was a radio broadcast.

Thirdly is the potential reach that the show could attain. The internet is a near limitless resource where previous a radio broadcast could reach anyone in reach of the radio waves now everyone with a computer can access things from miles/countries away. This is invaluable to my show for because of the niche nature of my project it allows the audience to expand further than a simple region of local geography.  infographics_october





SAS podcasting stats and key findings for April 2013


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